

Dopyt po prúde žiadne podstatné zlepšenie, očakáva sa, že polyetylén bude naďalej klesať

Ropa, ropa WTI klesla o viac ako 4 %, vrátane ropy pod hranicu 80 USD, čo je nové minimum od 4. januára tohto roku, zatiaľ čo americká ropa priamo klesla pod ročné minimum;

The launch of the new regulations on epidemic prevention policy and the cancellation of landing inspection are good for logistics and transportation, but the peak season for polyethylene downstream demand has passed, and the downstream factories may have a holiday in advance, which will continue to pressure cena polyetylénu.With the decline of the plate price, the production enterprises will reduce the factory price, and there are still new devices put into production at the end of the month, the polyethylene market is expected to show a downward trend next week under the weak supply and dopyt.

Nedávne zameranie trhu s polyetylénom:


Čas odoslania: 10. decembra 2022